The Association of Resident Doctors Jos University Teaching Hospital is the main body of doctors below the rank of Consultant who are in training. It is the largest conglomeration of doctors specializing in the different fields of Medical Science in Plateau State. It is also one of the largest in terms of population in the country as its membership is well over 300. 

ARD JUTH as it is popularly known was birthed in 1982 with the pioneer President and Secretary General being Dr’s E. Okoye and I. Wada respectively. Since that time until now, the Association has had 30 executives with some serving two years at a stretch, among whom are Dr. R.E. Ezechukwu (1986-1988) Dr. Alabi Peter (1993-1995) and Dr. Jenrola A. (2000-2002). In 2007-2008, the Association had 2 President, DR’s V.C Pam and S.S. Gomerep who completed his tenure. In 2017, Dr. Agbo Paul Ede was returned as President for a second term, which was a first in the history of the Association.

a network of Resident Doctors registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria and practicing their profession at JUTH.

The Association is composed of different office ranging from the office of the Vice President which aside from deputizing for the President is also in charge of Medical Education/ Residency training and Medical outreach, the office of the Secretary General who also heads the Secretariat and two secretariat staff, the Assistant Secretary General, Treasurer, Financial Secretary who is in charge of the business committee, Welfare Secretary in charge of the welfare committee, PRO, Editor and Deputy Editor who are responsible for the production of the Jos Journal of Medicine and the House Officers Representative. These arms work synergistically to execute the aims and objectives of the Association.

We are naturally affiliated to out parent body, the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) which is a collection of other local institution based associations of Resident Doctors all over Nigeria and Nigeria Medical Association (NMA) which is the umbrella body for all doctors in the country.

Our mantra remains ‘ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL’.